We share some top time-saving tips, so that you can spend more time doing the things you love with your horse. From riding through to grooming, we share our favourite time savers.
A Good Winter Wardrobe
A varied wardrobe full of quality rugs for your horse will ensure that he has a rug for all occasions, weather and seasons. Rugs with neck covers are great for keeping clipped horses warm in the stable and help keep him dry and clean out in the field. A dry horse straight from the field is easy to groom and then ride and will save you time immediately. Having good quality cooling rugs for post ride rugging up is also essential. Helping to wick away moisture from his body quickly so that he doesn’t catch a chill and can easily keep on as a base layer under his stable rug.
Get Organised
An organised yard is a happy yard. Putting everything back in its place after use will ensure you can always find what you need when you need it. Our Grooming Set comes in a convenient metal briefcase, enabling you to store our grooming tools and grooming brushes hygienically, neatly and securely away when not in use.
Having a good routine is imperative for all stable yards and that goes for your riding routine. If your horse is kept in full livery, give your yard as much notice as possible when you plan to ride so that your horse’s routine isn’t disrupted. Horses like routine as much as yard managers so try where possible to plan ahead and if, realistically, you know that you cannot get down to ride your horse, letting the livery yard manager know as soon as possible could mean the difference between your horse getting exercised, or a full day stood in his stable. A good routine will save time and help the yard run efficiently.
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Clean & Tidy
Keep your horse’s boots, bandages, rugs, saddle cloths, grooming brushes, kit and tack clean and laundered. Cleaning these regularly will ensure that you maintain a healthy skin and coat. Dirty tack and equipment can cause rubs and sores which will require attention and careful management. Having a ready stock of clean tack and equipment at the yard will also save preparation time when getting ready to ride.
Walk This Way
A horse walker at the yard is a real winter asset, and invaluable for getting the horses out of their stables for a leg stretch when ground conditions don’t allow. It’s also ideal as a prelude to riding if you are pushed for time. It won’t work all the muscles, but it will save on some walk work time in the arena.

Check Mate
When grooming, check over your horse carefully for any cuts, heat or swellings. Grooming is the ideal time to spot these often small signs before they develop into something bigger or require vet treatment.
Save Time With Joy
Using quality grooming tools not only saves time but with our grooming set, you will find that you need less time to achieve fantastic gleaming results. Our unique bristle technology combined with our ergonomic handles ensure that your comfort and precision is increased, so you need to apply less exertion – bringing back the pleasure of grooming your horse. Your horse will also feel more relaxed, thanks to the positively charged ions held in the bristles, which means you can both enjoy a productive riding session with a good mind-set, following grooming.
For more great advice read our how to survive winter –top grooming tips blog.