Exclusive Videos
Welcome to the exclusive Renwick & Sons video content page. Here you will find our videos from world leading equestrians sharing their top tips.
Natasha Baker - Bonus Video
Natasha provides her advice on how to build a great relationship with your horse from the very start.
Jenni - Quarter Marks Masterclass
Jenni takes you step-by-step through the process of making perfect quarter marks.
Lorraine Baker - Grooming Process
Lorraine takes you through her grooming process using the Renwick & Sons collection.
Katie Jerram - Plaiting Masterclass
Katie guides you through how to create the perfect plaits.
Katie Jerram - How To Clean Your Brushes
Katie shows you how to clean your Renwick & Sons brushes.
Christmas Wishes
The Renwick & Sons Ambassadors wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Lorraine Baker - My Favourite Brush
Lorraine tells us which brush is her favourite to use and why.
Natasha Baker - Giving Your Horse Confidence
Natasha Baker guides you through some of her top tips on how to give your horse that crucial confidence for the competition ring.
Katie's Quarter Marks Masterclass
Your step by step guide to that all-important finishing touch by our very own turnout expert, top professional show rider and producer Katie Jerram- Hunnable.
You can also buy our brand-new Quarter Marker Brush here.